Help spread mindfulness and uplift communities- Sponsor a TMC Educational Diversity Scholarship today!


The Mindfulness Center Diversity Scholarship Fund

TMC is committed to providing its students with the necessary tools to successfully teach mindfulness in a wide variety of settings including educational facilities, community centers, and online platforms. 

Supporting Minority Communities

For students committed to offering mindfulness to underserved minority communities

With increased demand for yoga and meditation teachers to work with minorities and underserved communities, TMC is committed to providing its students with the necessary tools to successfully teach mindfulness practices in a wide variety of settings including educational facilities, community centers, and online platforms. 

Research shows mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga help people deal with stress, anxiety and trauma. This is a time when experienced meditation and yoga teachers can serve as leaders and provide that support, while teaching an empowering life skill. 

Your contributions big or small help minority communities.

Statement of Need

why we're raising money for the diversity scholarship fund

The Diversity Scholarship supports students who want to learn to share mindfulness practices with people in need such as underserved, underprivileged or otherwise disenfranchised groups. Concepts of resilience and acceptance, compassion and self-care are critically needed in our culture and our lives.  Mindfulness has proven to help build resilience, and to empower leaders of social change. Mindfulness tools empower us with compassion to care for ourselves and others, and help open our minds to diverse perspectives and cultures. Thank you for your generosity and support of The Mindfulness Center’s goal to provide diversity scholarships to ten scholars each year.

If You Or Your Business Are Interested In Being A Sponsor Of This Program, Please Contact Us.

Your Contributions Big Or Small Help Minority Communities.​