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Science of Mindful Awareness 

160-Hour Meditation Teacher Training Program


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The Mindfulness Centers Meditation Teacher Training program is a 160-hour evidence-based, community-focused, & self-empowering certification program.

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Become a Certified Meditation Teacher

  • Certification by The Mindfulness Center for completion of 160-hours of training as a Meditation Teacher.
  • A world-class education with seasoned professor, published scholar and mindfulness leader Dr. Deborah Norris, and faculty Jessie Taylor and Aurora Hutchinson.
  • Connect with the world of mindfulness – in health care, education, business and more by completing your Meditation Teacher training at The Mindfulness Center.
  • Be part of a community of like-minded people who have a passion for sharing mindfulness with others and are committed to the growth and development of the field of mindfulness 
  • Deepen your personal and professional practice, while learning the science and practice of teaching mindfulness to others. 
  • Learn to teach to groups, one-on-one, and to work with special needs populations.

Self-paced online format fits your schedule! 
Accessible any time, anywhere!

SOMA, The Science Of Mindful Awareness:
Meditation Teacher Training Online

Our longstanding in-person Meditation Teacher Training Certification program is now offered in a convenient and 
comprehensive online format.


Deborah Norris, Ph.D. – Founder of The Mindfulness Center™; author of In the Flow: Bridging the Science and Practice of Mindfulness; and Editor-in-Chief of Dr Norris is Psychologist-in-Residence and Director of the Psychobiology of Healing Program at American University, and past professor at Georgetown University Medical School.

By joining our community to become a certified meditation teacher, you will:

• Deepen your understanding of meditation through both informational content and experiential practice.
• Receive professional mentoring, including personal “office hours”, and live and recorded group conversations.
• Explore a multimedia library rich in information on the science, practice, and application of mindfulness in healthcare, education, worksite, leadership and other applications.
• Learn the skills to apply mindfulness practices to situations of conflict, trauma, and behavioral change.
• Access and learn from the abundance of scientific evidence on the benefits of mindfulness.
• Learn about the benefits of different types of meditation practices.
• Deepen your personal practice by exploring the role of mindfulness in Social and Emotional Learning and personal relationships. 
• Join a community of people who share your same interest in mindfulness.
• Establish the tools, experience, and guidance to further your own mindfulness practice.

What Students are saying...

“Debbie's voice immediately takes me to a calming place. I noticed my cool inhales and exhales at the beginning of the practice. I felt twinges in my forehead and feet as well. I enjoyed the discussion about greeting and gauging your pain. I was experiencing some abdominal pain tonight. When I noticed it and breathed into for a few minutes I started to feel better. Thank you for a wonderful practice!”

L.S. - Student

“Wow! How amazing to have a part of the body that you can use to check in with yourself. I liked how I was able to go through my body and observe, notice and feel what was happening there. I can begin to see why the modality of mindfulness is used in pain management instead of jumping into medications. The mind is power place. I always feel I am being more open minded to awareness but today I was extra open and found other ways to be more aware. Thank you.”

V.S. - Student

“I loved the part at the beginning where Deborah revisited all the benefits of meditation, how it benefits every function of the body. After not having (taking) the time to meditate in three days, it felt good to get back to it for all those reasons. Then in the middle when we were invited to turn toward something within that might need attention, I turned toward a part of me that's been locked down for a long time, even though I've been trying to open it back up. It felt wonderful to give it attention, to let it have it's say, but I think it will take several more sessions to ease it open. It's wonderful to have a tool to do this, something that feels so kind and safe with a part of me that's afraid. When I opened my eyes at the end, I felt a completeness, that I wasn't alone because I was with myself. It might sound corny, but it was a wonderful, comforting feeling. Thank you.”

J.J. - Student

“I loved a lot of what Dr. Norris said - about the AMA Journal article on mindfulness meditation for chronic pain, about being the witness, about seeing how it feels and then moving on. ...I loved the discussion on being completely full of ease and dropping any effort.”

S.W. - Student

“I want to express my most sincere gratitude (can you feel my heart vibrations from Connecticut?). This course and I came together in such an important part of my life - I know that I was ready to take on the content and the practice! I’ve enjoyed all elements of the coursework and my only wish is that I lived closer so that I could attend some of the classes held at the center."

M.S - Student

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How Does This Program Work?

The online nature of this program allows students to enroll in and begin the program at any time. This flexibility allows students to begin learning when it feels naturally right for them. It also allows you to complete the training at your own pace, empowering you to immerse yourself in the experiential nature of mindfulness.

This Program Includes:

  • Lessons on the science and theories of mindfulness.
  • Practice in scripting and delivering guided meditations.
  • Interacting with others to guide them into meditation.
  • Special emphasis on mindfulness in health care, education and leadership.
  • Instruction on how to teach meditation in differing and unique circumstances, e.g. trauma survivors, veterans, diverse populations, substance abuse and other clinical conditions.
  • An online community to receive feedback from your fellow trainees, grow your practice, and a support network that allows you to test new sequences and engage with your meditation teacher training family.

Program Requirements:

  • An established personal meditation practice is a pre-requisite for the course.
  • Course must be completed within 24 months of enrollment.
  • Required textbook: In The Flow: Bridging The Science and Practice of Mindfulness 
  • 20 hours of community service providing mindfulness training to the community is required.
  • Complete training faster by attending retreats with faculty Dr. Norris, Jessie Taylor & Aurora Hutchinson.
  • Download Full Course Requirements and Syllabus

Total Meditation Teacher Training Program Cost Includes:

Meditation Teacher Training

Establish the tools, experience, and guidance to further your own mindfulness practice.
2025 online rate - $1,200* *inquire for financial aid options
  • Open Enrollment
  • Payment Plans Available
  • Group Rates Available

Become A Certified Meditation Teacher

Deepen your personal and professional practice, while learning the science and practice of teaching mindfulness to others.

Have a Question?


We strive to provide the best possible experience for our clients by staying up-to-date with technology advances so that you can stay active and connected through online classes and workshops.

The SOMA Meditation Teacher Training Online program is an advanced professional training program. Participants are expected to have familiarity with the practice of meditation and have a regular ongoing practice for a minimum of 1 year.

Research is showing that different types of meditation practices have different effects. For example, mantra meditation which focuses on the repetition of words facilitates growth in the parts of the brain that regulate language. Meditation that focuses on self-awareness facilitates growth in parts of the brain affecting self-control and self-regulation. Research by Dr. Norris and others is showing that meditation that focuses on cultivating self-awareness and self-regulation have the most profound beneficial effects on our mental and physical health. Meditation focused on self-awareness through the breath and other interoceptive stimuli activate parts of the brain that promote coordination of healing mechanisms of the body, and thus have been found to have the most profound healing benefits (Lazar, 2014). Self-compassion practices were found equally effective in activating regions of the brain that regulate mood, emotion, and physical well-being. In addition to affecting structural changes in the brain, mindfulness practices have been shown to activate biochemical changes in the brain and throughout the body, associated with well-being, including increased circulating levels of serotonin and endorphins, and decreased stress hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol. Dr. Norris teaches students to cultivate a personal practice that is most rewarding to themselves. By tuning in to the capacity for self-regulation, students are able to self-modulate the focus of their practice, and find optimal well-being in this self-care practice.

The Science of Mindful Awareness program is internationally renowned and has drawn participants from across the U.S. and abroad. The program is recognized by the International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT) for Approved Professional Development credit.

Yes. Yoga Teachers may receive continuing education credit through Yoga Alliance and the International Association of Yoga Therapists.  Mental health professionals may be able to apply for continuing education credit with their local boards. Students may also choose to take elective workshop webinars w/ Dr. Norris at an additional fee. 

The program is divided into 3 Online “Classroom” Sections, which comprise 130 of the 160 total hours. Each of these sections includes video lectures, reading assignments, study guide questions, and meditation assignments. In addition students are required to complete 10 hours of one-on-one meditation with fellow students and 20 hours of community service teaching hours.

Additional “Live” webinar trainings w/ Dr. Norris may be taken as elective “add-ons” to the main course. 

These webinars are an additional fee to the main training and may count towards program hours if you notify Educational Director Jessie Taylor.

These webinar opportunities can be found on our workshop section of our website.

Our online platform automatically logs and tracks your progress. You may schedule an Office Hours consult with Educational Director, Jessie Taylor whenever needed. 

Learning to teach meditation to others is a transformative process in and of itself. Permit yourself the time that it takes to undergo this transformation, so that you may enjoy the process. This program is self-paced and may be completed 2-3 months but usually takes most students 9-12 months, and it is recommended that you complete the training within no more than two years. If more time is needed for extenuating circumstances, please discuss this with Educational Director, Jessie Taylor.

Yes, however it is a program requirement that you already have a regular and committed personal meditation  practice for a minimum of 1 year.  If you are new to meditation and still working to develop a personal practice you may benefit from first beginning with our Introduction to Meditation Online course.

Yes. The Mindfulness Center provides a Certificate of Completion of the Meditation Teacher Training. Teaching meditation is not presently a licensed or otherwise regulated program.

No. The course registration fee covers all of the 130 hours of required online coursework (the remaining 30 hours are independent) plus a digital copy of the textbook.

If you choose to take any of the elective “Live” webinar workshops w/ Dr. Norris or in-person retreats, those are an additional fee.  Hardcopies of the course textbook are available on Amazon for an additional fee.

Yes, we offer several flexible payment options as well as limited scholarship opportunities. Please speak with TMC Registrar, Jessie Taylor for details.